
wow just geeked out

I was just looking around the Internet and found a page that was suggesting what actors should play the roles of all my favorite book characters, and well i had a moment there where all i could think was YES he/she would be perfect! then i came to my senses and realized that the actor photos were old and by the time the movies were made they wouldn't look the same. Ya bumbed myself out, darn reality



What is the one question no one can answer yes to?

Cut me and I bleed blood as red as my flesh yet I have a heart of stone. What am I?

Which clock works best, the one that loses a minute a day, or the one that doesn't work at all?

What goes up, but never comes down?

I turn around once. What is out will not get in. I turn around again. What is in will not get out. What am I?

Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet how you miss me, When I have flown. What am I?

Where on Earth do the winds always blow from the South?

What can you catch but not throw?

I never was, am always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will, What am I?

All about, but cannot be seen, Can be captured, cannot be held, Not said, but can be heard. What is it?

What does man love more than life? Fear more than death or mortal strife? What do the poor have, what the rich require, And what contented men desire? What does the miser spend, the spendthrift save, And all men carry to their graves?

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

The more you take,  the more you leave behind.  What are they?
What belongs to you, but others use more then you do?

answers to come


First one!

OK blogging... not the newest way to tell the world what I'm thinking, but here it goes.

well lets hit the ball rolling. I'm here to talk about a new way of reading, no none of that e-reader stuff. I'm talking about not caring what others think about you when you sit in public and pull out a book.

It is one of my favorite things to do is sit somewhere and count how many people stop by just to ask what book I'm reading. Now that I have been doing this for awhile I find that depending on the type of book, I'll just say "a book." But I also find that if its a not so normal book I can't wait for someone to ask me about it. Well that all might have been confusing if you don't know me but its about stereotyping. Its about having a 19 year old girl told she has no business reading George Orwell and she should go pick up a Jane Austin and leave the Communism theories to the men.

Yes that happened to me last week. I was sitting at a park enjoying the sun and Animal Farm when an elderly gentleman and his grandson walk up and ask me why a "pretty thing" like me would want to worry her "pretty little head" about the affairs of men. Well from a man who grew up in the depression I expected it, but not from a boy no older then I am who grew up after  the feminist movement. The only way to answer him was to walk away, but in my mind I yelled "What is your problem, why do you want to push me back into the stone age. This is 2010 I have the right to read any book I want, about any subject I want. Those subjects might not be what you would pick for me but i will read anything that I, keyword there, I am interested in."

Well there is the inspiration that had me start this blog.